Hair Breakage and Hair Loss

One thing that no one is happy or price looks in the mirror and see a bald spot - no matter how thick or strong hair that was once in its place - but there is no need to go straight into panic mode - it could happen for all different reasons, and for all causes is the appropriate solution

On average, one loses 50-200 hairs a day, which sounds like a lot, but the average human head has 100,000 hairs growing daily with new ones to replace those that padaju.Prirodni process of hair loss is inevitable, but the fracture may be diagnosed when a lot more than 200 hairs are falling every day. It is commonly observed on the pillow, hair brushes and even bald patches, but still hair breakage can be prevented after it began.

One can easily rectifiable cause hair breakage can be a lack of certain nutrients. Fruits, vegetables (fresh), whole grains and good fats are a key factor in healthy growth of hair. Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E and B as well as iron and zinc are very important for hair growth, as well as sunflower seeds, walnuts and dark leafy vegetables, which is also very helpful. Help in the fight against hair breakages try to incorporate these foods into your diet with at least two liters of water a day. If this does not help - do not fret! There are several things you can do ...

often, external factors are more likely to cause breakage of hair, in the range of products used in hair treatments and styles and how to tame your hair. For example, although the chemical treatments (such as perms and relaxers) are very effective, they are extremely harmful to the health of hair, when used incorrectly. When the treatments and products are used too often or stays in hair longer than recommended, the hair should be expected to break even because they are strained, and thus weakened. In similar fashion, hair straighteners and curling irons and other thermal styling tools can cause hair to dry and become brittle, which further promotes breakage.

When looking at your hair breakage, it is important to find the right diagnosis before sorting out their solutions. For example, if hair breakage is more common at the ends of hair, nor can they be too dry - again probably due to exposure to excessive heat styling tools or lack of equipment. Deep condition at normal conditions is very important, as well as a wide toothed comb used on thicker hair - when the teeth are too close together, the hair tends to be pulled, but tame


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